Friday 11 October 2013

Maybe you don't drink enough water?

“I think and think and think, I‘ve thought myself out of happiness one million times, but never once into it.” 
Jonathan Safran Foer

You just have to get through this. It's going to get better. That's what everyone says. It seems like when you were young it was easier to be alone. All you really needed was your parents and friends, their love was enough. So what has changed? Maybe you haven't changed but people's expectations have. Your grandparents are getting less and less subtle with the questions about marriage and children...literally all your friends are in a relationship. So no wonder you feel like the outcast, like there's something wrong with you. Some people say your standards are too almost feel desperate at times. Why do you have to be so damn emotional? The curse of being a girl…Just live through this day without crying. How do I make myself better? Drink lots of water. Go to the gym. Read. Work on your hobbies. Perfect yourself so when you do meet someone you will be the best version of yourself. Do not change for them...don't lower your standards because it will never make you happy. Do things that are important. Drink lots of water. What is important? ...Seems the best answer is ‘to be happy’. But not in the 'meet a successful guy to kiss and hug, have lots of money and lots of pretty clothes, go to nice places to eat, tan on the beach'-kind of happy. But the long-term, deep-seated, ultimate, divine happiness. Achievement, learning from your mistakes, being a better person, daughter, friend, growing as an individual, developing, making a difference in the world for the better, even if it’s a tiny improvement, gaining knowledge, being brave enough to say and hear the truth, being strong enough to feel the pain without alcohol, antidepressants or one-night stands. That is what we live for. Something of value must be made of the 80+ years we get on this damned planet.  Though anyone with a brain will tell you they've never been happier than in the arms of a loved one. But forget that. Drink lots of water...

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